More of my personal story and why I resonate with the RRP model to come...


Little One,
I love you with every fibre of who I am. I love all parts of you, unconditionally. You don’t have to work for my love; I give it to you freely because my heart is open. You are safe to rest now. You don’t ever have to worry about me because it delights me to keep you safe. You walk this earth with my heart wrapped tightly around you. You are safe to take risks. You can be messy. You can be loud. You can try new things and quit them when you want to. You can eat bagels for breakfast without any shame. I love you when your belly is full. You never have to see those people again, I will keep them far away from you. I will fight for you. I am fighting for you. You don’t ever have to worry about me because I am powerful. You don’t have to be a lawyer anymore— I will hold people accountable now so you can be free. You don’t have to be strong anymore— I will be strong for you so you can be soft and I will be soft with you. You don’t have to wish you were older— you can take your time with me and trust that I will be patient with you. I am here with you and I will never leave you to figure it out on your own. I believe in you and you can count on me to be by your side always. I love your playfulness and creativity. I think you’re smart, funny, interesting, and capable. I want to hear every detail of your stories and I want you to tell me about your dreams in vivid colour. Your mom raised you but she was never your mother. I am your mother and I dedicate my life to show you what that means. I will hug you anytime you want one. You are a soft and vulnerable little girl who deserve so many hugs.